Saturday, December 22, 2007

Baby Bed


I hope your holiday is going well. I sincerely wish you a wonderful Christmas with family.

My husband and I ordered the baby bed you helped buy,(see picture attached). We are very excited to get Lily's room painted, and prepared. Thank you all again for such a wonderful gift.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Thank You

I sincerely want to thank you all for the generous gift. It will greatly help to buy Lily's crib. My cup runs over with joy. I have so much to be thankful for this year, and you guys are at the top of my list.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Almost Christmas

Seasons Greetings,

We only have six more days before Christmas break! I am as excited as you, however we do have a few things to get done before we take a long winter's nap.

We will continue acting out A Christmas Carol, and will compare it to the Disney version next week. We will also try to find out just how many versions there are, and why there are so many.

I do have more thinking actives to help you truly understand the story. I also think you can take an A.R test on the play we are reading, although I suggest reading the full book version.

You will hopefully have one more Math test on lessons 56-60 next week. I hope we can finish the test, in order to start new when we come back from the break. I think, however that we may need to take this time to review considering this last Math test, what do you think?

For Science we will be doing a lab tomorrow, then for Thursday and Friday you will be learning about the reasons it becomes dark at 5:30 in the winter. We will also look at myths and old religions that had different views of why it gets dark in the winter. This is one great way to understand how Science has helped us evolve in our thinking.

In Social Studies we will be learning about other religious celebrations around the world.

We will also spend some time thinking about our own traditions, and celebrations.

Finally we will be having our Christmas party in the morning this year, on the 19th. Make sure your parents get the letter I sent home today.

Our party will be a great time to connect with each other, before the long break from each other.

Yes, I will miss my wonderful class. :)

Last, but not least I am setting out a collection bucket for the Make a Wish foundation. This is our class' charity, and in the spirit of the season I hope you will bring what you can to help support it. You all did such a wonderful act in making over 120 get well cards for Josh. I hope to see the same out pour for other children waiting for their wish. I am going home to clean out my piggy bank tonight, I hope you do the same.

Thank you, and many blessings for a happy and safe Christmas.


Mrs. Casto